Training Materials

Working with Minors:
Information for Those Participating in University-Run or -Affiliated Programs or Activities Involving Minors

葡京平台线上社区在促进安全和防止儿童受害方面有着浓厚的兴趣. 为了进一步实现这一目标,葡京平台线上制作了这些培训材料. This packet contains important information that individuals must review if they are participating in programs or activities involving minors that 1) the university operates; or 2) that others operate in university facilities.

You are receiving this information because you have been identified as a participant in one such program or activity. 您必须审阅本包中的信息,并返回所附的证明,表明您已阅读并同意遵守其中所述的要求. You must also (using the methods described in this packet) determine whether you are a mandated reporter and, if so, agree to comply with the obligations imposed on mandated reporters by state and federal law and by the university. 根据所涉及的项目或活动以及您在该项目或活动中的角色,您可能还需要查阅其他材料.

This packet contains the following:

  • 与未成年人合作的指导方针,将帮助你保持安全和积极的互动,并减少错误指控的风险.
  • 虐待和忽视未成年人的警示标志.
  • Steps to take if you suspect that a minor has been abused or neglected or is otherwise unsafe, 包括如何报告你的怀疑或提出问题的信息.
  • 您必须签署的证明,以确认您已阅读并理解所提供的信息,并将遵守本包中所述的您的义务.

Guidelines for Working with Minors

参加涉及未成年人的节目或活动的人应遵守以下“注意事项”和“注意事项”,以便为青少年参与者提供安全和积极的体验. 请注意,这些指导方针并不意味着要禁止医疗, psychiatric or other professional interactions with minors where professional standards apply.


每个州负责提供自己的定义 maltreatment (一个对儿童虐待和忽视的包罗一切的术语)按照联邦儿童虐待预防和治疗法案(CAPTA)制定的标准来指导. 大多数州承认四种类型的虐待: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. Some states include abandonment and/or substance abuse in their definition as well.

有关各州有关虐待和忽视儿童的法律,请参阅 State Statues 搜寻儿童福利资讯网. This website also provides civil definitions of the terms of maltreatment that determine the grounds for intervention by child protective agencies.

Types of Abuse and Neglect


除了努力防止孩子遭受虐待或忽视之外, it is important to recognize high-risk situations and the signs and symptoms of maltreatment. 如果你怀疑孩子受到了伤害, 举报你的怀疑可能会挽救他们的生命,并为他们的家人获得帮助. Reporting your concerns is not the same as making an accusation; rather, it is a request for an investigation and assessment to determine if help is needed.

Children experiencing abuse or neglect may exhibit the following traits and/or behaviors:

  • 总是保持警惕,好像在为坏事的发生做准备.
  • 表现出行为或学校表现的突然变化.
  • 表现出不能归因于特定生理或心理原因的学习问题或注意力不集中.
  • 始终缺乏成人监督.
  • Has not received help for physical or medical issues brought to their parents’ attention.

Some children may directly disclose that they have experienced abuse or neglect. 有关如何处理此披露的更多信息,请参阅 如何处理虐待儿童事件 by Childhelp. 本文件亦提供支援遭受虐待或忽视的儿童的贴士,以及“儿童援助”防止虐待儿童运动的资料.